Did you Know
Did you Know ?


1. Yawing brings more oxygen to the lungs.

2. Half your body's red blood blood cells are replaced every seven days.

3. Humans have the ability to distinguish 4000 to 10000 smells.

4. Human blood travels 60,000 miles(96,540km) per Day on its journey through the body.

5. The left lung is smaller than the right lung to make room for the heart.

6.  In one hour, your heart works hard enough to produce the equivalent energy to raise almost 1 ton of weight 1 yard off the ground.

7. We breath 13 pints of air every minute.

8. Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks.

9.  The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades.

10. Any damage to brain cells cannot be repaired completely.

11. Dead cells in the body ultimately go the kidneys for excretion.

12. In a year, an average person sleeps for 1122 days out of 365 days.

13. Your brain requires 20% of the oxygen and calories your body need- even though your brain only makes up two present of your total body weight.

14.  The human tongue has 10,000 taste buds.

15.  Girls have more taste buds than boys.  


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